Licensing & Terms
14-Day Free Trial
InterroBot offers a trial period of 14 days. Download and go, no credit card required. After the trial period ends, to use InterroBot for commercial purposes, you'll need to purchase a license.
Licenses are available through our online store, or through the platform stores: Microsoft Store, Google Play, or App Store.
Commercial License
Windows web download (Desktop Edition) - Single User, Perpetual
Microsoft Store (Desktop Edition) - Single User, Perpetual*
App Store (Desktop Edition) - Subscription
Google Play (Mobile Edition) - Subscription
All licenses are annual and come with one year of email support and one year of upgrades. After the year is up, a perpetually licensed version entitles users to continue using the latest version of InterroBot they had when the term expired. However, support and upgrades end after one year.
In the case of Android, users lose access to the app when the trial or subscription lapses. This is not the case for Windows and macOS builds, regardless of source (download/store). Desktop Editions downgrade to Personal Edition at the conclusion of the trial (or subscription in the case of App Store) and continue running.
* The Microsoft Store version has been perpetually licensed since launch in 2018. In that time, app store culture has moved to subscription dominated models. If the Microsoft Store version of InterroBot moves to subscription, to maintain consistency with other app stores, existing perpetually licensed users will continue to have that license honored.
Personal Edition
If using InterroBot Desktop Edition non-commercially, a license is not required.
There are a handful of features, introduced in v2.4, that are reserved for trial and licensed users only. Personal Edition users will not have access to the following after the trial:
- JavaScript crawling
- HTTP request headers (User-Agent, Authorization, X-Auth-Token)
- Directory/Path exclusions
InterroBot is unable to provide personal support to personal edition (free-tier) users.
Terms of Use
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
InterroBot is a web crawler and developer tool for Windows, macOS, and Android.
Want to learn more? Check out our help section or
download the latest build.