Webpages and Assets

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When you drill into a search result, you are presented with resource details, linked references, and navigation options specific to that page/asset. In the context of InterroBot, "resource" is shorthand for either a page or an asset.

References Visualization

The main content is a graphical representation of the page relative to incoming/outgoing links, and page media (images, CSS, JavaScript, etc.). Errors are conveniently color-coded, and all nodes are clickable. These pull up the referenced page/asset in the right margin, revealing additional information.

The reference map serves as a fast way to understand how the current page or asset is interacting with the rest of the website.

Reviewing a webpage in the resource view.

Details Tab

The details tab is where InterroBot presents everything it has on the current resource. Here you'll find the HTTP status, timings, download size, redirect status, and headers. There are two buttons:

View in Browser. This button will open the current resource in your default browser. When investigating an issue, this is a common move to validate the situation.

Mark as Fixed. This button is only enabled when the current resource has an HTTP error code. When clicked (and enabled), it sets the current resource to an HTTP 200, and updates linked resources. This is useful when fixing a result set, one by one. It removes the resource from error results so that you stop bumping into it. It's a workflow thing, which may or may not be useful to you.

Assets, Outlinks, and Inlinks Tabs

InterroBot organizes references into one of three categories. Each of these categories lists references connected to the current page/asset.

  • Assets are all of the CSS, images, etc., that make up the document. If the current resource is not HTML, this will contain no items.
  • Outlinks contain all indexed pages/assets linked from the current resource. If the current resource is not HTML, this will contain no items.
  • Inlinks contain all indexed pages that are referencing the current resource.

It is possible to navigate from these lists. Each item contains a jump button to navigate to that resource. You can jump around resources indefinitely. Fortunately, you can also use the back button in the main navigation to get back to the original once you've seen enough.

Jumping to a new pages, via document view.

InterroBot is a web crawler and developer tool for Windows, macOS, and Android.
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